Well Intended but Half Done

Markets, Marketing, Trade, Policy

Well Intended but Half Done: Marketability of Crafts from the North East

Nanda, Gulshan

Through analysis, observation and discussion we need to reach an understanding, and if possible consensus, on what can be done to improve the marketability of the crafts and the status of crafts persons in the eight North-Eastern states and provide them opportunities and options.

During my few visits – not too many in number but spanning over a period of twenty five years, some impressions have stayed.

On my first visit to Sikkim I was fascinated by their weaves, though I was left with the impression of the prices being too high. When I did the costing, I realized that the weaver, for almost eight hours of non-stop work on the back strap loom was earning a pitiful Rs.10 only. She was not even getting 30% of the cost as 60% was going towards raw-material with 10% on incidentals. It should actually have been the other way round.