Idols of Pen, Raigad District, Maharashtra

Craft, Handloom, Art, Cultural, Creative Industries, Photo Essays

Idols of Pen, Raigad District, Maharashtra: A Photo essay

Ravi, Sumana

God is Omnipresent. Quite literally in Pen. Everywhere you look in the quiet by-lanes of Pen, you see idols of the Hindu God of Luck and Prosperity, Ganesha, in various stages of production. Watching you from the parapets of houses while waiting for the the paint to dry; peeping through the windows, while the artisans provide finishing touches; and of course, establishing their presence in full glory atop the many small trucks which are transporting them, in various shapes, sizes and colors, to all parts of Maharashtra, and even to places as far as half way around the world to the US.
Located about 80 kms. Southeast of Mumbai, this small town in Raigad district is pretty much a cultural focal point owing to these "divine creations". What culminates as 11 days of festivities, seen at its most pronounced form usually in Hindi movies, and felt at its most sublime form at Chowpatty in Mumbai every year, actually begins here as soon as the festivities fin...