Book Review

Craft, Handloom, Art, Reviews

Book Review: Textiles & Dress of Gujarat by Eiluned Edwards reviewed by Jasleen Dhamija

Dhamija, Jasleen

The fabrics, costumes of Gujarat and specially Kutch have attracted a number of writers from all over the world. Many influences through migrations and trade, led to the evolution of a way of life, which has richness and variety that gets reflected in their arts, crafts, ritual observations and rites of passage. The repertoire of techniques, designs, motifs is quite distinctive. Eiluned Edwards' book "Textiles and Dress of Gujarat has added to the innumerable publications. Each one had made contributions, with perhaps the most important in the seminal work of Jyotindra Jain in his catalogue for the Shreyas Museum. Vicky Elson's, "Dowries of Kutch", drew a lot of people to investigate the richness of the Kutch environment. Ofcourse, Judy Frater's contribution at many levels cannot be matched. Emma Tarlo broke new ground by examining the interconnection of the "Webs of Trade, Dynamics of Business Communities in Western India", as well as the changing social dynamics in which the apparel plays an important role. This publication has been very well researched and has a plethora of information, which would be very useful to researcher and students of textiles. It has succeeded to carry us from the past to the contemporary scene, but as can happen when far too much information is included in a publication, the more interesting facts are lost sight of. It is good that, the author explains the formation of...